Appointment to the Advanced Ranks of Professor and Associate Professor (Tenure Track) and Professor at Cumc and Associate Professor at Cumc

Requirements – for VP&S only

Note: The department will have three years (in a research area of focus) or five years (in a clinical area of focus) to prepare and present the candidate's dossier for tenure after he or she has been appointed as a Professor or Associate Professor on the tenure track

Department submits the following:

  • A completed appointment dossier for CUIMC COAP review, including:
    • Letter from chair to Dean nominating the officer and including the title, candidate’s scholarly activity, research accomplishments, teaching record, and evidence of service
    • Signed Memorandum of Agreement (for joint or interdisciplinary appointments – see 1-6 Joint/Interdisciplinary Appointment)
    • Officer’s CV in COAP format
    • Candidate’s Statement of Research and Teaching
    • List of referees
    • Copy of letter to referees
    • Letters of Evaluation
    • One copy of five papers judged by the candidate and the department to be the most noteworthy contributions to the literature
  • School and/or departmental COAP approval letter and report
  • Invention Agreement (not applicable to Department of Psychiatry)
  • Tax documents and NYS Labor Law 195.1 form, if salaried
  • Affirmative Action Clearance
  • Offer letter, signed by both chair and candidate
  • Visa and non-resident alien documents, when applicable
  • NYP Packet - RFA if applicable (see 1-5 Appointments of OOI with CUIMC Recommendation for Appointment to NYP)
  • Upon receipt of approval, a TBH or Paper Nomination, if unable to use the TBH
  • Voluntary Self-Identification of Race and Ethnicity form
  • Pre-Hire Attestation Form

Workflow – Part 1, CUIMC COAP review

Note: If recommending an advanced rank by an expedited COAP review, see 1-8 Expedited Review of Appointments (which must be followed within six to nine months by a full COAP review).

  • The OFA Associate Director reviews the submission for completeness and accuracy and schedules the school dean and/or department chair to present to the FOM COAP.
  • Once the FOM COAP presentation is scheduled, the OFA Associate Director forwards the agenda to the FOM COAP members and uploads the dossier to CourseWorks for their review.
  • The OFA Associate Director sends reminder notices to the school dean and/or chair or designee regarding the presentation(s).
  • The dean, chair, and/or designee presents the candidate to the FOM COAP.
  • When the chair has completed the brief presentation and leaves, the committee votes.

Workflow – Part 2, TBH or Paper Nomination processing

  • The department submits the TBH or Paper Nomination.
  • The OFA Associate Director conducts a preliminary review of the submission.
  • For NYP appointments (see 1-5 Appointments of OOI with CUIMC Recommendation for Appointment to NYP):
    • The OFA Associate Director prepares the Recommendation for Appointment (RFA) and submits it to the SVP for approval.
    • The SVP reviews the RFA and, if acceptable, signs the request.
    • OFA sends the signed RFA and redacted chair’s letter to the NYP Medical Staff Office (MSO), with a copy to the department faculty affairs contact to notify them that the transaction has been completed.
  • The OFA Associate Director submits the request to the SVP for approval.
  • The SVP reviews and, if acceptable, approves by signing the TBH or Paper Nomination.
  • OFA approves and submits the TBH electronically or Paper Nomination manually to CUIMC Payroll or directly to HRPC, if zero-salaried.

Requirements – for CDM, SON, and Mailman only

Department submits the following:

  • Letter from chair to Dean nominating the officer for appointment and including the title, candidate’s scholarly activity, research accomplishments, teaching record, and evidence of service
  • Officer’s CV in COAP format
  • Signed Memorandum of Agreement (for joint or interdisciplinary appointments – see 1-6 Joint/Interdisciplinary Appointment)
  • School COAP approval letter and report
  • Tax documents and NYS Labor Law 195.1 form, if salaried
  • Affirmative Action Clearance
  • Offer letter, signed by both chair and candidate
  • Visa and non-resident alien documents, when applicable
  • NYP Packet - RFA if applicable (see 1-5 Appointments of OOI with CUIMC Recommendation for Appointment to NYP)
  • TBH or Paper Nomination, if unable to use the TBH
  • Voluntary Self-Identification of Race and Ethnicity form

Workflow – for CDM, SON, and Mailman only

  • The OFA Associate Director conducts a preliminary review of the submission.
  • For NYP appointments (see 1-5 Appointments of OOI with CUIMC Recommendation for Appointment to NYP):
    • The OFA Associate Director prepares the Recommendation for Appointment (RFA) and submits it to the SVP for approval.
    • The SVP reviews the RFA and, if acceptable, signs the request.
    • OFA sends the signed RFA and redacted chair’s letter to the NYP Medical Staff Office (MSO), with a copy to the department faculty affairs contact to notify them that the transaction has been completed.
  • The OFA Associate Director submits the request to the SVP for approval.
  • The SVP reviews and, if acceptable, approves by signing the TBH or Paper Nomination.
  • OFA approves and submits the TBH electronically or Paper Nomination manually to CUIMC Payroll or directly to HRPC, if zero-salaried.
