1-8 Expedited Review of Appointments


New VP&S officers of instruction and research who are to be appointed at advanced rank (Associate Professor, Full Professor, Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist) should be informed in their offer letter that their rank may be proposed by the department, but must be approved by FOM COAP. Advanced rank can be recommended by an expedited COAP review, but must be followed within six to nine months by a full COAP review.

Departments may not use the expedited review process if there are appointed officers whose full COAP review has not been completed within the required time period. Officers appointed by the expedited review process can be appointed into the non-tenure “at CUMC” or “on tenure” track. If the officer is appointed by expedited review on tenure track, the department will have three years in a research area of focus or five years in a clinical area of focus to prepare and present the candidate’s dossier for tenure.


Department submits the following at a minimum of one week in advance of the scheduled FOM COAP meeting and prior to the offer being forwarded to the candidate:

  • Letter from chair to Dean requesting the expedited review of the proposed advanced rank, academic title, effective date, responsibilities, and reason for recruitment
  • Candidate’s CV


  • The FOM COAP appoints a five-member subcommittee, consisting of the two co-chairs and three other members with appropriate expertise to evaluate the candidate’s fitness for the proposed advanced rank.
  • The OFA Representative reviews the dossier, completes the FOM COAP Checklist, and prepares the agenda.
  • The OFA Representative forwards the agenda to the FOM COAP members and uploads the dossier to CourseWorks for their review.
  • The OFA Representative sends reminder notices to the chair and/or designee regarding the presentation(s).
  • The chair and/or designee present to the COAP subcommittee for about 10 minutes. The chair describes the candidate’s qualifications, reason(s) for the appointment, and what makes the candidate special and qualified for the proposed rank, and references any future plans the department may have for the candidate. The members of the COAP subcommittee may ask questions and comment.
  • When the chair has completed the brief presentation and leaves, the COAP subcommittee votes.
  • The OFA Representative forwards the recommendation of the COAP subcommittee to the department in a letter that includes the reminder that a full COAP review is required within six to nine months of the appointment.
  • The department may now issue an offer letter to the candidate indicating the rank that was approved by the COAP subcommittee during the expedited review.
