2 - Promotions, Title Changes, and Renewals
This section covers the transactions of promotions, title changes, and renewals for officers of instruction and research, as follows:
- 2-1 Promotion, Title Change, or Renewal of OOIs and OORs at Junior Ranks
- 2-2 Promotion of Non-Tenured OOIs and OORs at Advanced Ranks
- 2-3 Promotion of Tenured OOIs
For information about transacting a rehire, which is when an individual who was previously employed by the University is returning to work at the University, see 3 - Rehires.
For information about transacting a joint or interdisciplinary appointment for an officer currently employed by the University, see 1-6 Joint/Interdisciplinary Appointment.
- CU Action and Reason Codes for Personnel Transactions
- CU Completing a Personnel Action Form (PAF) - Job Aid
- CU Faculty Handbook
- CUIMC Faculty of Medicine COAP Checklist
- CUIMC Joint/Interdisciplinary Appointments and MOA Guidelines
- CU RAPS/AA Policies and Tools
- CUIMC Sample Letter to Referees for Promotions in the "at CUMC" Academic Tracks
- CUIMC Title Structure