Faculty of Medicine COAP Review
Appointment and Promotions Process with Faculty of Medicine COAP Review
FOM COAP is comprised of faculty members from different departments at VP&S, representing multiple disciplines with concentrations in investigation, education, and clinical care.
The review process begins with a nomination from the candidate’s department, which prepares and submits at least one week in advance of the FOM COAP meeting, the complete dossier following the relevant COAP checklist.
The Office of Faculty Affairs will review the dossier, complete the checklist and prepare the meeting agenda for the committee members’ review.
As part of the evaluation process, the department is required to solicit letters of evaluation from experts in the nominee’s field as a way of obtaining candid and objective assessments of the nominee’s qualifications for the proposed title.
During the FOM COAP review, the chair and/or designee presents to the committee describing the candidate’s qualifications, reason(s) for the appointment or promotion, and what makes the candidate special, and references any future plans the department may have for the candidate.
Immediately following the chair’s presentation, the committee deliberates and votes. The committee forwards its recommendation to the Department within two weeks.
If the recommendation is to approve the appointment or promotion, the department is asked to submit appointment material following the normal process. Appointments and promotions are generally effective on the first day of the month after it has been approved by FOM COAP unless there is a specific appointment date requested (future date).
Note that new appointments and promotions of non-tenured faculty to advanced ranks in CDM, MSPH, and SON also require the review and approval of their respective COAP.