Individuals with a focus in Investigation may engage in a broad range of investigational activities. This area of focus covers research efforts in any discipline related to health sciences such as laboratory, clinical or translational, population-based, health services/policy/economics, outcomes, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and pedagogical research, and includes:
- Discovery
- Analysis or synthesis of existing knowledge
- Novel application of existing knowledge
Investigation in this area of focus differs from that expected in the Tenure-Track as it may be primarily collaborative, industry partnered or consist of a quantitatively smaller effort. Faculty may have roles ranging from research leader, major contributor, collaborative research team member or research site investigator. Significant contributions to the research work, including authorship of manuscripts and a record of research funding (which might come from federal, industrial or foundation sources) and research presentations are benchmarks for success in this area of focus. Research effort is expected to be funded, although funding sources may be more varied than those required in the Tenure-Track.
Advancement by Rank
Assistant Professor
At the Assistant Professor level, faculty must have evidence of demonstrated training and involvement in high-quality research, which is published in peer-reviewed journals, although independent research need not be evident. Publication of clinical observations, reviews or analytic studies in peer-reviewed journals that contribute new knowledge or organize, synthesize, and convey existing knowledge in a way that enhances the practice of medicine or educational practice.
Associate Professor
For promotion to Associate Professor, faculty must have publications in peer-reviewed journals. The work may focus on laboratory, clinical or population-based investigations, analysis, synthesis of clinical observations and experience, or educational research. Evidence that the work is scholarly and of good quality and significance is measured by journal impact and relevance of the study. Research accomplishments include authorship on multi-authored journal articles and/or documentation of a major, substantial contribution to a collaborative, multidisciplinary project and publication; statements of peer evaluators on the significance and recognition of the faculty’s research contributions; identification as the principal investigator or a major collaborator on funded research grants or contracts originating from federal, foundation or industry sources or cores of multi-author grants; development of knowledge resulting in new product patents and technology transfer; or research funding as co-investigator from federal, foundation or industry resources. If funding is from industry, evidence that the faculty member has a significant role in the formulation and conduct of the research is desirable. Additional criteria may include: invited lectures that demonstrate recognition of investigational expertise; service on editorial boards, expert panels, FDA panels and data safety monitoring boards for multicenter studies; and membership on steering committees for multicenter trials.
For promotion to Professor, faculty must have sustained academic, scientific, scholarly and professional achievements beyond that accomplished for promotion to Associate Professor. Additional accomplishments might include sustained incremental productivity either as investigator or key collaborator; sustained record of funding from either federal, foundation or industry sources; membership on national research committees including grant review panels, advisory groups and research steering committees; or awards by national organizations and invited lectureships.
- Please visit the Resources page for materials and resources relevant to the "at CUMC" Track, including:
- CUIMC CV Format
- Guidance on Writing the Personal Statement
- Guide for Promotion on the "at CUMC" Track
- Criteria for Advancement
For more information, please email: