Applied Health Care and Public Health Interventions

The scholarship of applied health care is the interaction between knowledge and its practical application. This area of focus covers activities related to: 

  • Clinical care in medicine, dentistry and nursing, as well as direct public health interventions in public health disciplines
  • The development or implementation of novel or newly developed clinical or public health programs
  • Work in quality assurance, patient safety, applied epidemiology, etc.

The scholarly translation of evidence to practice and evidence-based clinical and public health interventions are examples of the scholarship of application of clinical and public health sciences. Faculty with this area of focus are expected to be acknowledged experts in their clinical or public health discipline, and to practice clinical disciplines or provide public health interventions and outreach informed by relevant new scientific discoveries.

Contributions may be in the following domains: provision of patient care or direct public health interventions, development/implementation of clinical or public health programs, interventions, and outreach at CUIMC and beyond.

Applied health care and public health interventions involve the delivery of quality patient care, related patient service or direct public health service interventions. Expertise within the faculty member's discipline should be evident, though leadership may not be predominant.

Advancement by Rank

Assistant Professor

At the Assistant Professor level, faculty should develop evidence of expertise in a clinical or public health discipline and a local reputation as an expert within the discipline. These areas or activities may include participation in:

  • Development of guidelines, quality assurance, or public health intervention or outreach panels and writing groups
  • Regional or national societies related to clinical or public health innovation/investigation/practice
  • Multicenter clinical trials or public health intervention programs as a site participant rather than a leader

Associate Professor

Promotion to Associate Professor should be marked by a strong regional reputation and an emerging national reputation of clinical or public health expertise. Examples include:

  • Development or leading the application of clinical or public health technology that changes practice or patient outcomes
  • Honors and leadership in regional or national professional societies of the clinical or public health discipline
  • Contributions to institutional or national quality assurance programs, clinical or public health practice guideline development, or public health policy panels

Faculty at this level should be acknowledged by peers inside and outside of CUIMC as experts in their area(s) of focus. Examples of recognition include:

  • Membership on editorial boards of clinical or public health specialty journals
  • Authorship of book chapters, case reports, or membership in clinical or public health research as a site investigator for multicenter trials or public health intervention programs within the discipline
  • Development of patient care guidelines or public health protocols, which are used locally, regionally or nationally


Faculty at the professor rank should be widely acknowledged by peers inside and outside of CUIMC as exceptional within their discipline, having sustained leadership in a clinical or public health discipline with a defined and major impact on practice within the discipline. Examples include:

  • Publication of reviews and book chapters related to the clinical or public health discipline
  • National or international recognition as an expert in the clinical or public health discipline
  • Service as a consultant to federal agencies charged with assessing clinical treatments or public health intervention programs, invited lectureships, or teaching related to the discipline on a national or international level
  • Prominent role on national organizations/committees defining treatment methodologies, care guidelines, technologies, or public health interventions that improve clinical care or public health outcomes


  • Please visit the Resources page for materials and resources relevant to the "at CUMC" Track, including:
    • CUIMC CV Format
    • Guidance on Writing the Personal Statement 
    • Guide for Promotion on the "at CUMC" Track
    • Criteria for Advancement 

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