4-1 Scholarly/Research Leave


Scholarly and research leaves of absence are granted to full-time officers of instruction in a professorial grade, with the exception of those with a visiting title, and to full-time professional officers of research who wish to be relieved of their normal responsibilities, in full or in part, to conduct research or otherwise engage in scholarly activity.


Department submits the following at least 6 months prior to the scholarly leave:

  • Letter from officer to chair requesting the leave and explaining in some detail the work the officer will be doing, duration of the leave, where he/she will be doing it and if he/she will be compensated, and evidence that the work to be done will benefit the University and complements the officer’s work
  • Letter from chair to Dean recommending that the scholarly/research leave be granted and including start and end dates and reason for the request
  • Officer’s CV, using the COAP format as a guideline
  • Upon receipt of the Office of the Provost approval, a PAF reflecting action/reason codes PLA/RSR (for paid research leaves) and LOA/RSR (for unpaid research leaves)


  • The OFA Senior Client Manager reviews the request and submits it to the AVP for approval.
  • The AVP reviews and, if acceptable, signs the request.
  • OFA submits the AVP’s signed request to the Office of the Provost indicating that the LOA has the Dean’s approval.
  • The Office of the Provost sends an approval letter to OFA (and copied to others).
  • OFA sends a copy of the letter to the department faculty affairs contact for their records.
  • Upon receipt of the Office of the Provost approval, the department submits a PAF and attaches the letter of approval from the Office of the Provost.
  • OFA approves and submits the PAF and Provost approval letter to CUIMC Payroll, if salaried, or directly to HRPC, if zero-salaried.
