Difficult Separations and Grievances

Faculty are encouraged to try to resolve their complaints informally; however, they may elect instead to have them evaluated through a grievance hearing. They may also seek a grievance hearing when their complaints cannot be settled through informal means. The procedures faculty should follow will depend upon the nature of their complaints.

The University provides several avenues of redress for officers of research who feel they have been unfairly treated. Officers of research experiencing problems with their appointment, compensation, and working conditions should talk first to their principal investigator. If the problems cannot be resolved in this manner or if they feel uncomfortable approaching their principal investigator, they may seek redress from their department chair or director, and then from the appropriate dean or vice president.

The Office of Faculty Affairs can serve as a resource for resolving faculty issues. If you need assistance, please contact Dionida X. Ryce, AVP for Academic Appointments or Dr. Anne L. Taylor, Vice Dean and SVP for Faculty Affairs.

To view the policies on grievances as stated in the Faculty Handbook: