New faculty who joined VP&S in September include a dual-trained cardiac and vascular surgeon and a radiologist who researches the implementation of artificial intelligence into breast imaging.
New faculty who recently joined VP&S include hospitalists, a doctor at the new ColumbiaDoctors Lincoln Center location, and an emergency medicine doctor also board-certified in sports medicine.
Columbia University researchers slowed vision loss in mice who have a form of retinitis pigmentosa by reprogramming the metabolism of photoreceptors in the retina.
Dr. Drake studies the body’s immunological response to radiation therapy and how immunotherapy and radiation therapy can be used in concert to treat cancer.
A major international study has found that drug-eluting stents are as effective as surgery for many patients with a blockage in the left main coronary artery.
Jonathan Amiel, MD, explains how changes afoot in the P&S curriculum will better prepare medical students for residency and how schools across the country can benefit.
New York City children who engaged in vigorous daily exercise had greater exposure to black carbon than children who were less active, according to Columbia researchers.
After a stent procedure or heart bypass surgery, patients who adhered to their medical therapy had better outcomes than nonadherent patients, according to a new study.
Pregnancy significantly raised the risk of stroke in young women, but did not raise stroke risk in older women, a study by Columbia neurologists found.