Anti-Racism and Racial Equality Resources
We are committed to the well-being and success of all community members. Columbia complies with all applicable civil rights laws and does not engage in illegal preferences or discrimination.
Black Lives Matter Resources
Black Lives Matter toolkits about healing justice and conflict resolution.
A reading list to provide a deeper understand about the history of racial injustice and help navigate conversations about race and social injustice.
“Talking About Race”
From the National Museum of African American History and Culture, an explanation of types of racism and how to be anti-racist.
Engage With the NMAAHC's Content
How You Can Be an Ally in the Fight for Racial Justice
Activist DeRay Mckesson explains how we can show up and stand up in the struggle for equality and equity.
Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book
Resource materials designed to supplement a Dismantling Racism workshop, and for individuals and organizations working for racial justice and social change.
Racial Justice Assessment Tool
A tool for organizations to see see how far they've gone in the fight for racial justice and where they need to improve.
Coming Out for Racial Justice
An anti-racist organizational development toolkit for LGBTQ groups and activists.
White Coats for Black Lives
The Racial Justice Report Card outlines ways academic medical centers can promote anti-racism, faciliate efforts to change, and ensure accountability.
Read the Racial Justice Report Card
Anti-Racism Resources
A detailed and shareable resource document for white people and parents to deepen or begin anti-racism work.