Frequently Asked Questions
Why has CUIMC invested in hiring individuals with I/DD?
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities face many challenges when entering the job market. People with neurodevelopmental disabilities have talents, perspectives, and skills that can be distinctly beneficial in many work environments. We believe that people with neurodevelopmental disabilities are an untapped talent pool with enormous potential to address retention and performance deficits. Having fulfilling employment promotes independence and helps people with disabilities become fully integrated members of the community.
What is an intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD)?
I/DDs are disorders that are usually present at birth and that uniquely affect the trajectory of the individual’s physical, intellectual, and/or emotional development. Many of these conditions affect multiple body parts or systems.
What is supported employment?
Supported employment is the ongoing support services, including customized employment and other appropriate services that are necessary to support and maintain an individual with a disability in employment.
Are there additional costs to hiring a person with I/DD?
It can be cost effective to target unmet needs with skilled part-time workers. Project PossAbility employees have a high rate of productivity with a historically low rate of attrition. Once a candidate is identified the job coach works with the department and Human Resources to determine if there are any employee accommodations needed.
Will hiring an individual with I/DD create more work for me and my team?
Each project possibility candidate is provided a job coach (at no cost) to help support with employee training; facilitating learning and performance of job tasks, and assisting with interpersonal skill development as necessary.
My department is interested, how do we get started?
You can contact the team by sending an email to