Early Career Faculty Development Series
We are committed to the well-being and success of all community members. Columbia complies with all applicable civil rights laws and does not engage in illegal preferences or discrimination.
A series that assists early career faculty members in strategically planning their career development efforts.
"Mentorship: Why, Who, What, How?"
Mentors can provide guidance on key areas of career planning, productivity, networking and more, and they are especially important for junior faculty. Effective early career mentorship has been shown to improve career success and satisfaction.
In this interactive panel, mentoring experts provide insights into selecting mentors and developing relationships with them, as well as avoiding mentorship pitfalls. Their perspectives include basic and clinical research, clinical care and education.
Video recording and resources
"Navigating and Strategizing for Your Academic Career at CUIMC"
An introduction to pathways for career success, developing a career plan, identifying appropriate mentors and career development resources at CUIMC.
Video recording and resources
“Negotiation and Conflict Management”
This session is designed to provide attendees with an overview of strategies and skills needed to succeed in managing negotiations and conflict.
Video recording and resources
"Promotion: Planning, Preparation and Progress"
This session provides junior faculty with information on promotion and tenure at CUIMC, as well as expectations in regards to teaching, advising, service and scholarship. By the end of the session, faculty are able to:
- Identify metrics for promotion in each area of focus of the “at CUMC” Track and the Tenure Track
- Understand the Faculty of Medicine and CUIMC Committee on Appointments and Promotions processes
- Recognize the importance of maintaining a record of academic progress and developing strategies for increasing external academic recognition
Video recording and resources
"Strategies for Time Management"
Effective time management requires you to have awareness of your short-term and long-term goals, control over your impulses and intentions, communication, and actions. This session of the CUIMC Early Career Development Series provides an opportunity to assess how you currently manage your timeand how you can improve your time-management habits and skills to accomplish your personal and professional goals. Video recording and resources
Please visit the Calendar of Events for upcoming program dates.
For more information, please email: Office_Acad_Affairs@cumc.columbia.edu.