Dean Fischbach To Moderate Un-Sponsored Panel On Human Cloning, Stem Cell Research June 2

U.N. CONFERENCE ON HUMAN CLONING, STEM CELL RESEARCH Leading scientists from four continents to address UN delegates on June 2

WHAT: A United Nations-sponsored conference and panel discussion on the science of reproductive and therapeutic cloning. Leading scientists to discuss in vitro fertilization, somatic cell nuclear transfer, regenerative medicine and experimental biology.

WHY: Last year, the United Nations was considering a ban on all forms of cloning research, including therapeutic cloning. This conference presents an opportunity for scientific leaders to openly discuss the repercussions of an international ban on therapeutic cloning and this potentially lifesaving science.

WHO: Dr. Gerald Fischbach, Executive Vice President & dean of the faculty of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, will moderate the panel. Dr. Fischbach is former director of NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. He directed funding and review of early stem cell research in a range of serious neurological disorders. A vocal advocate for stem cell research, Dr. Fischbach addressed the U.S. Congress Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources in July 2001, helping to establish the U.S. federal government policy.

WHEN & WHERE: Wednesday, June 2 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium United Nations Headquarters, New York City

PRESS CONFERENCE: Tuesday, June 1, 2 p.m. United Nations Press Briefing Room United Nations Headquarters, New York City

CONTACT: To arrange an interview with Dr. Fischbach, contact Annie Bayne at 212-305-3900 or For more information about the conference, visit


Dag Hammarskj, Executive Vice President, UN, United Nations