VP&S Academy of Clinical Excellence Inducts a New Class

ACE inductees
On May 10, 35 faculty members were inducted into the Academy of Clinical Excellence (ACE) of Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (VP&S). The ceremony honors the accomplishments of faculty members who contribute to the VP&S academic mission by providing high quality, evidence-based, and humanistic patient care.
The inaugural class of ACE was inducted in 2017. Inductees are active in the academy, working on one of the steering committees that support faculty and trainee mentorship, special lectures and events, and communications. All are full professors and have been at Columbia for five or more years. They spend more than 50 percent of their time on patient care and training the next generation of clinicians and are seen as role models across the medical center.
The names of inductees were read aloud by Lee Goldman, MD, the Harold and Margaret Hatch Professor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine, and Chief Executive of Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Each inductee received a framed certificate and a big round of applause.
“You really are the people who make this place work every day,” said Dean Goldman in his closing remarks, noting the dedication of VP&S clinicians to taking care of sick people. “That’s the real heart and soul of what we do.”
This year’s ceremony also featured the Bill Campbell Champions Symposium, a new lecture launched thanks to a generous gift from a donor. Edward D. Miller, MD, dean/CEO emeritus of Johns Hopkins Medicine and former professor and chair of the Department of Anesthesiology at VP&S, delivered the lecture on “Balancing the Academic Mission.” He discussed the origin of Johns Hopkins’ academy of clinical excellence, the first of its kind at an academic medical center and also the model for Columbia’s ACE.
Next up for ACE: Mathew Maurer, MD, the Arnold and Arlene Goldstein Professor of Cardiology (in Medicine) at VP&S, will give the presentation, “Leading a Multi-Disciplinary Team,” on June 15. The event is part of the ACE Master Clinician Mentorship Series open to the Columbia community.
2018 VP&S Academy of Clinical Excellence Inductees
- Stan D. Arkow, MD (Department of Psychiatry)
- Carolyn B. Britton, MD, MS (Department of Neurology)
- Marc Brown, MD (Department of Radiology)
- Salvatore M. Caruana, MD (Department of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery)
- Nancy Chang, MD (Department of Medicine)
- Vivette D. D'Agati, MD (Department of Pathology & Cell Biology)
- Anita Darmanian, MD (Department of Medicine)
- Guarionex Joel DeCastro, MD, MPH (Department of Urology)
- Israel Deutsch, MD (Department of Radiation Oncology)
- Angela DiMango, MD (Department of Medicine)
- Andrew Eisenberger, MD (Department of Medicine)
- Joshua E. Hyman, MD (Department of Orthopedic Surgery)
- Christopher Irobunda, MD, PhD (Department of Medicine)
- Desmond A. Jordan, MD (Department of Anesthesiology)
- Salila Kurra, MD (Department of Medicine)
- James A. Lee, MD (Department of Surgery)
- Paul G. Lee, MD, MPH (Department of Medicine)
- Tina A. Leone, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- Jon A. Levenson, MD (Department of Psychiatry)
- Mercedes Martinez, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- Guy M. McKhann II, MD (Department of Neurological Surgery)
- William Middlesworth, MD (Department of Surgery)
- Russell S. Miller, MD (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology)
- Vivek K. Moitra, MD (Department of Anesthesiology)
- Sara S. Nash, MD (Department of Psychiatry)
- Mervat Nassef, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- George W. Niedt, MD (Department of Dermatology)
- Kathleen M. O’Toole, MD (Department of Pathology & Cell Biology)
- Alison M. Pack, MD, MPH (Department of Neurology)
- Prakash Satwani, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- Mary Sciutto, MD (Department of Psychiatry)
- Arthur J. Smerling, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- Karen Soren, MD (Department of Pediatrics)
- Christopher J. Visco, MD (Department of Rehabilitation & Regenerative Medicine)
- Bryan J. Winn, MD (Department of Ophthalmology)