VP&S Students Celebrate Match Day 2023
On March 17, 135 medical students at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons received life-changing news: the results of their residency match. Along with more than 40,000 medical students nationwide, VP&S students opened the envelopes containing their match letters at noon to discover where they will begin their residency training this summer.
The nationwide 2023 residency match is the largest in the 70-year history of the National Resident Matching Program, which manages the residency matching process and distribution of the results. The Match Day celebration at VP&S was held in the Hudson Lounge at 50 Haven Avenue and featured remarks from Katrina Armstrong, MD, dean of VP&S; Monica Lypson, MD, vice dean for education at VP&S; and Lisa A. Mellman, MD, senior associate dean for student affairs at VP&S.
“It is the greatest transition to go from what you have been, which is an amazing student and learner, to being the person a patient turns to in their time of greatest need–the person who stands up and does what is needed,” said Armstrong. “You are the future of medicine.”
The residency matching process for applicants began last September, when students applied to residency programs of their choice, and continued with interviews over the next several months. In early March, applicants and programs confidentially ranked each other in order of preference, and the NRMP algorithm then matched applicants with programs.
“We are thrilled for the Class of 2023 and their residency match,” Mellman said. “It’s so exciting for us to be able to see everyone here and celebrate in a joyous way. Students matched incredibly well into the specialties of their choice and will be wonderful ambassadors of VP&S, both here in New York City and across the country.”
At VP&S, the most popular residency matches were internal medicine (29), psychiatry (15), emergency medicine (11), anesthesiology (10), obstetrics & gynecology (8), and surgery (7).
“I’m elated with my match,” said Jordan Metz, an MD-PhD candidate who matched in pathology at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. “Columbia has been my academic home for nine years, and now I’m here for at least another four. I couldn’t ask for anything more. That familiarity is really important. It can be hard to get pathology exposure in medical school, but I got a lot of it at VP&S.”
Anika Naidu, who matched in internal medicine at Kaiser Permanente-Oakland, has a cross-country move ahead but says she’s looking forward to it. “I got my top choice, so I feel very lucky,” Naidu said. “When I interviewed at Kaiser Oakland, it felt like a family, so I know I’d be happy to be there. VP&S has been the best preparation for residency I could have asked for. The clinical work is so high level, and on top of that you meet and work with a great support system.”
For one VP&S student, it wasn’t just Match Day; it was also her birthday. Saundra Albers celebrated her 30th birthday as well as her match in the obstetrics and gynecology program at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, which she says was a top choice for her.
“I’m passionate about women’s health and being able to have that really intimate and close relationship with my patients,” Albers said. “I love surgery and clinic so it was a good fit for me. My time at Columbia has been incredible. I had amazing mentors who helped advise me in my career, and I got to see some really awesome patients throughout my time and have an impact on their lives.”