Tips for Kicking the Smoking Habit
In the United States, former smokers (49.9 million) now outnumber current smokers (42.1 million). Making a plan to start a smoking cessation program is a good first step toward becoming a former smoker. Tips for quitting are available from Daniel Seidman, PhD, assistant clinical professor of medical psychology (in psychiatry), just in time for the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 20.
Dr. Seidman, the author of “Smoke-Free in 30 Days: The Pain-Free Permanent Way to Quit,” will bring his expert clinical help to Columbia Psychiatry’s blogtalkradio show on Monday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. EST. Joining him will be Mental Workout’s CEO Mickey Beyer-Clausen. Tune in to the talk, for more on:
- E-cigarettes as a harm-reducing alternative
- Delaying and reducing versus quitting smoking
- Understanding smoking as an addictive behavior
Call 347-996-5875 to join the blogtalkradio show or go to Questions can be emailed in advance to Dr. Seidman at