Safety on Campus
Below are two messages on campus security sent from the CUIMC and NYP administrations this week to members of the CUIMC and NYP communities:
Dear Valued Colleagues:
The safety of our affiliates on the CUIMC campus is always at the forefront of our concerns. As such, in 2020, we instituted additional security patrols from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and created a campus escort program covering the area of W. 159th Street to W. 168th Street, Riverside Drive to Amsterdam Avenue, and from W. 168th Street to W. 181st Street, Broadway to Haven Avenue. This service is available by calling 212-305-8100.
In addition, we are working with NYP on additional measures to ensure the safety of those who walk on the campus and who take public transportation. We have been in contact with the NYC Police Department and the MTA to request additional support, and we will be adding additional measures in the very near future.
For additional information about CUIMC Public Safety, visit their website; for additional information about the escort program, click here.
Anil K. Rustgi, MD
Interim Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Dear Colleagues,
In view of the ongoing heightened sense of concern regarding safety, particularly following last week’s senseless and violent attack that resulted in the tragic death of Davide Giri, a Columbia University graduate student, we would like to make you aware of the increase in police presence on the NYP/Columbia University Irving Medical Center campus, and to remind you of our Security department's contact information.
You can call the following local Security phone numbers to report any suspicious activity or request a member of NYP Security to accompany you to your car or public transportation stop:
- NYP Allen 212-932-4400
- NYP/Columbia 212-305-2222
- NYP Morgan Stanley 212-342-1000
To contact Security from an internal NYP Hospital desk phone, dial: 911. To contact Security from an external phone, dial: 646-NYP-9111 (646-697-9111). In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
For safety tips while traveling by subway or bus, read more from the NYPD. For other useful safety tips to keep in mind, please visit the Infonet.
Please remain alert and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Thank you for your vigilance.
Laureen L. Hill, M.D., M.B.A.
Group Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, NYP/Columbia Division
Paul Dunphey
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of NYP Allen & NYP Lawrence
Diego Rodriguez
Vice President of Security & Emergency Management