photo collage of Velocity 2021 participants cycling and walking

Fifth Annual Velocity Ride Raises $1.1 Million

On Sunday Oct. 3, people were out cycling, walking, running, and getting active to end cancer and support Columbia's Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) for the fifth annual Velocity: Columbia’s Ride to End Cancer

Your Velocity continued in a virtual capacity this year, bringing together supporters from around the country to raise $1.1 million for Columbia’s mission to end cancer. Thanks to a generous gift from the Crimson Lion/Lavine Family Foundation, all gifts made between Sept. 8 and Velocity Day on Oct. 3 were matched, helping to double the impact of Velocity participants and supporters. 


The Velocity Day Broadcast shared stories of survivors, staff, researchers, and participants—showing the impact of the funds raised by Velocity to support cancer research and care at Columbia.

“There have been ups and downs, but through it all, my team—including Dr. McKiernan, Dr. Lim, and Dr. Drake—has never given up on me. And I’m not giving up on them. Which is why I’m proud to be a five-year Velocity Rider,” said Mike Furman, HICCC patient and this year’s top fundraiser, during the broadcast.

“For me the most incredible part is how many Columbia doctors, nurses, and staff are part of the Velocity community. It just shows you how invested Columbia doctors are in their patients. And why I'm so invested in Velocity.”

Over the past five years, more than 3,000 people have participated in Velocity and raised $6 million. All funds raised go toward expert clinical care and cancer research at Columbia’s cancer center.

collage of participants in 2021 Velocity: Columbia's Ride to End Cancer

More than 540 people participated in this year's Velocity, raising $1.1 million to fund cancer care and research at Columbia University's Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center.

“Your dedication to Velocity is making an impact, and it goes even beyond the research and patient care that you’re funding with every dollar you give and raise,” said Anil Rustgi, MD, Interim Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine at Columbia and director of the HICCC.

“I’m referring to the impact you have on us—the doctors, the nurses, the administrators—everyone who works at the cancer center. Your passion for this event shows us how committed you are to us, to our patients, and to our common goal of solving cancer at Columbia."

Fundraising for Velocity stays open through the end of the year.

Visit the Velocity website and save your spot in Velocity 2022 and receive a special gift when you register next year.