1 Train Resumes Service at 168th Street
The MTA has completed elevator replacement work and other improvements ahead of schedule at the 1 train station at 168th Street. Many upgrades were completed during the year-long modernization project, including:
—Replacement of the elevators.
—Repair of the elevator shafts.
—Reopening of rear vestibules at the lower mezzanine to ease boarding and exiting the elevators.
—Installation of a back-up battery to allow customers to exit the elevators in the event of a power failure.
—Installation of two security cameras in each elevator cab to increase security.
—Installation of new communications equipment to speed up response time when there are problems with an elevator.
—New lighting in the lower mezzanine.
—Restoration of the historic tile work in the lower mezzanine, salvaging old tile and installing completely new tile to match.
For more information, visit the MTA website.