For Educators

We are committed to the well-being and success of all community members. Columbia complies with all applicable civil rights laws and does not engage in illegal preferences or discrimination. 

CUIMC and Columbia University provide several teaching and educational resources to assist faculty in their educational activities. This page contains information on:

  • Faculty development and mentorship opportunities for educators.
  • Relevant administrative and support offices.
  • Online tools and resources to support teaching activities.

Faculty Development Opportunities

The CUIMC Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning (SITL)

The annual Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning is a two day workshop devoted to exploring effective teaching and learning strategies in health sciences education. This event is designed for junior faculty or senior faculty who have recently taken on a new teaching role. More information. 

The CUIMC Educator Development Certificate (CEDC)

The CUIMC Educator Development Certificate of participation program is an evidence-based, faculty- driven, professional development series for educators (clinician-educators).

Mentorship Resources

Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators
The Virginia Apgar Academy is a community of educators dedicated to supporting, rewarding, encouraging, and developing excellent teaching at VP&S. Academy members are available to mentor faculty.

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
CTL partners with faculty, students, and colleagues across the institution, to support excellence and innovation in teaching and learning.

Center for Education Research & Evaluation (CERE)
CERE provides resources for educators through services and efforts in evaluation, research, and educator development.

Teaching and Learning Resources

Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs’ goal is to foster students' development as outstanding physicians and leaders.

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
The office supports and assists Columbia University Postdocs in their professional training and development as well as offers in-depth guidance and resources to the Columbia University community on all matters pertaining to postdoctoral affairs.

Courseworks is Columbia University’s learning management system that offers a variety of tools and features in support of teaching, learning, and collaboration.

Principles of Online Interactions 
The CUIMC Education Research Council developed online interaction guidelines for educators. This resource provides best practices for facilitating learning online and setting expectations for faculty and learners.

The CTL Inclusive Teaching Guide 
The Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia helps instructors answer that question by offering five inclusive teaching principles derived from research and evidence-based practices. In addition, the guide contains practical, accessible, and usable strategies that instructors can use immediately

Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring: A Roadmap for Departments, Schools, Mentors and Mentees 

This guide provides guidance and suggestions to assist you in developing and implementing a mentoring program tailored to the needs of your faculty. It provides an overview and guidance for schools and departments seeking to develop new mentoring programs and an asset for those with robust mentoring programs already in place. 

Internal Funding Opportunities 

CU Faculty Awards, Fellowships, and RFPs

The Office of the Provost provides several opportunities to faculty to support and recognize excellence in teaching, support education research, and support innovative education projects. 

Apgar Academy funding opportunities. 

The VP&S Apgar Academy of Medical Educators provides grant support for educational research projects.