Faculty Engagement, Inclusion and Belonging
The Columbia University Irving Medical Center strongly supports the diversity of its faculty. We at CUIMC believe that excellence, diversity and inclusivity are inextricably linked, and that different experiences, perspectives and values are essential elements that enrich every dimension of our work. A diverse faculty facilitates culturally competent medical education and clinical care, and also brings important and different perspectives to the research agenda.
Over the last decade, our leadership team has worked with advice and feedback from faculty to create an academic environment that supports the success and satisfaction of faculty in every career path. A consistent and critical process for creating this environment has been partnerships with consultative, advisory, and focus groups representative of all our faculty, tenured and non-tenured, women and men. We believe that world-class researchers, expert clinicians and innovative educators are all required to maintain our pre-eminence in medicine, and all should have a voice in helping us to shape the culture and climate of our work environment.