Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Materials and Resources

Additional materials and resources pertaining to appointments and advancement for CUIMC faculty can be found below. We encourage faculty to check back frequently for updated materials. 


CUIMC CV Format 

Faculty are encouraged to follow the CV format described in this document to facilitate accurate reporting and interpretation of their academic accomplishments.

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Columbia University Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring

The Offices of the Senior Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Career Development at CUMC and the Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion developed this guide in collaboration with the Provost’s Advisory Council for the Enhancement of Faculty Diversity. This guide was developed to help academic leaders and faculty members who wish to use mentoring as a strategy to facilitate faculty success. Specifically, this guide was written to inform three key constituencies:

  • Schools/departments wishing to implement formalized mentoring programs for faculty
  • Faculty who wish to act as mentors to junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students
  • Faculty who need or wish career guidance in addition to, or in the absence of, formal school/ departmental mentoring programs

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Office of Faculty Professional Development and Engagement at CUIMC

Through new comprehensive programs and online resources, the Office of Faculty Professional Development and Engagement draws upon the expertise of members of the community, as well as of the offices, departments and individuals across the University.


Office of Faculty Affairs

The Office of Faculty Affairs is the administrative arm of Academic Affairs. It handles all process-oriented issues for the faculty, researchers, post-docs, and student officers. It's responsible for ensuring compliance with university statutes and with state and federal law.

Faculty Affairs provides support both for faculty and departmental administrators in administrative processes for faculty, officers of research and student officers.


Criteria for Advancement on the Tenure Track

This document describes the scholarly products expected and the metrics for their evaluation, as well as what should be included in educational portfolios for faculty on tenure track.

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Promotion Process for Tenure Track Faculty

This chart depicts the steps faculty must go through for promotion on the tenure track. 

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Columbia University Faculty Handbook

The Columbia University Faculty Handbook provides essential information about policies that govern aspects of academic life at Columbia University, including appointment and promotion processes and policies, leaves, and other policies relevant to officers of instruction and research.

Principles and Customs Governing the Procedures of Ad Hoc Committees and University-Wide Tenure Review

The University, including Barnard College but excepting the Faculty of Law and Teachers College, follows a regular system of review by an ad hoc committee whenever a school or department recommends a candidate for tenure. This review is conducted whether or not the nominee is already an officer of the University. The purpose of this system is to ensure that the same standards of judgment are applied to all appointments to tenure, regardless of the school or department originating the nomination, and thereby to secure a faculty of exceptional quality and distinction throughout the University.

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"at CUMC" Track

Guide for Promotion on the "at CUMC" Track

This document provides full-time faculty in the “At CUMC” track and their departments with information about the steps needed when considering promotion. The document should:

Serve as a framework for describing what data should be assembled for the promotion process

Provide guidance and suggestions on how faculty can work towards preparation of their promotion dossier. Specifically, information is provided to faculty to help optimize the organization of the dossier and the description of their qualitative and quantitative academic achievements and contributions

Help faculty to think strategically about their career development plans well before consideration for promotion

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Checklist for Promotion Dossiers for the "at CUMC" Track

A checklist of documents that must be included in promotion dossiers. Some documents are the responsibility of the faculty member seeking promotion and some are the responsibility of the department. 

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Support for Consideration and Development of Teaching Activities

This document proives templates to help faculty consider and develop their teaching activities.

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Scholarly Areas of Focus on the "at CUMC" Track

This document describes the three areas of focus on the "at CUMC" track as well as the scholarly products expected and the metrics for their evaluation.

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Criteria for Advancement by Rank

This document covers the criteria for advancement by faculty rank in the "at CUMC" track.

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Promotion Process Chart for the "at CUMC" Track

A brief overview of the steps required for promotion in the "at CUMC" track.

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Area of Focus Self-Assessment Tool for CUIMC Faculty

Faculty are encouraged to use this document to identify their major and minor areas of academic focus.

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Educational Scholarship/ Leadership Focus Criteria for Advancement

This document covers criteria for advancement by academic rank for faculty with a focus in Educational Scholarship/Leadership. 

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Guidance on Writing the Personal Statement

The personal statement should be a narrative support of the CUIMC enhanced CV. It allows faculty to capture the impact, value and direction of their professional contributions, as well as to synthesize their interests, progression and achievements in a chronological or thematic narrative.

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Sample Language for the Personal Statement

This document includes language excerpted from Personal Statements of faculty in their promotion to ranks of Associate Professor or Professor. Examples are provided for guidance in writing, such as for formulating one’s ideas or encapsulating development, accomplishments and values. Examples here are not intended as required language or to cover all issues or areas.

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Sample Solicitation Email to Referees

The Office of Academic Affairs offers departments the following letter template for soliciting referees for faculty promotion to the Associate or Full Professor ranks on the “at CUMC” track.

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Part-time Pathways

Prefix Pathway: Applied Healthcare and Public Health Sciences

This document describes the Prefix Pathway in Applied Healthcare and Public Health Interventions as well as the scholarly products expected and the metrics for their evaluation.

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Suffix Pathway: Investigator or Education Pedagogy and Leadership

This document describes the Suffix Pthway in Investigation or Education Scholarship and Leadership as well as the scholarly products expected and the metrics for their evaluation.

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 Workshops and Professional Development

"Ask COAP" Series - Strategies for Promotion and Tenure

In this brown bag series, the leaders of the Committee of Appointments and Promotion, who are directly involved in the promotion process, will discuss criteria for promotion and how faculty can optimize their academic profiles.

"Preparing for Tenure"

This session focuses on specific ways in which faculty who are on tenure track or who are thinking of moving to tenure track can prepare for a positive review. Chairs and members of the CUIMC COAP provide strategies on how to prepare for tenure. A Q&A session follows.  

"Promotion Process on the 'at CUMC' Title Track "

These sessions review the criteria for promotion in each track. Faculty have the opportunity to ask the two chairs of the Committee of Appointments and Promotions questions about the processes and timelines for promotions at CUIMC.  


Understanding the Tenure Process - A discussion with the Provost