Tenure Track

Appointments to a Tenure-Track or to a Tenured position (unmodified title) are based upon the university-wide standard for recognition of excellence in research, which places the faculty member amongst the select few leaders of his or her research discipline. Appointment to this track usually occurs at the time of hire and requires a level of research training prior to appointment such that the faculty member is prepared to seek independent, peer-reviewed research support. It is possible for faculty initially appointed to the “at CUMC” track to move to the unmodified track should their scholarly work fit within the framework of this research-intensive track.

Faculty in the Tenure-Track are expected to develop an extramurally funded program of research that is internationally recognized within specific time limits set by the University. Such research should be original, creative and transformative, and it should substantively advance the discipline of the faculty member. It is expected that the nominee must be an outstanding scholar, placing that individual amongst the very top of scholars in his/her discipline.

Promotion Process

For faculty at the four health sciences schools at CUIMC, there are two tenure clocks:

  • Eight-year clock:
    • ​​For basic scientists or faculty without clinical responsibilities
    • Tenure process should start in the last quarter of the sixth year
    • Tenure review should be complete completed by May 31 of the seventh year
  • Eleven-year clock:
    • ​For clinician-scientists who spend at least 20 percent of their time doing clinical work
    • Tenure process should start in the last quarter of their ninth year
    • Tenure review completed by May 31 of the 10th year

The promotion process for Tenure/Tenure-Track faculty starts at the time of hire or from the time of moving from the "at CUMC" Track. A required review of research progress takes place in the fourth year, and a departmental review takes place in the last quarter of the sixth year for non-clinical faculty who are on the eight-year clock and in the last quarter of the ninth year for faculty on the 11-year clock.  After this point, the tenure candidate is responsible for updating their CV (in the CUIMC CV format) as well as generating a research statement. All other materials involved in the tenure dossier are handled by the department and the Dean's Office. Once the dossier is complete, the department will review it and recommend advancement to the CUIMC Committee on Appointments and Promotion, who will then make recommendations to the School Dean and the Executive Vice President of CUIMC. Finally, the Tenure Review Advisory Committee, a University-wide committee, will review and make recommendations to the Provost, the President and the Trustees. 

Unmodified Title Tenure/Tenure-Track



A university-wide title that requires research productivity that is imaginative, creative and substantively advances the discipline of the faculty member. The area of research must be of the highest priority to the university and place the individual amongst the top five to 10 scholar leaders within their discipline.

Scholarly Products Expected:


- Consistent and incremental publication of novel research findings in journals of highest impact

- Invited honorific lectureships

- Distinguished honors awarded by election and/or peer review

- Consistent and incremental peer reviewed research support

Metrics of Evaluation:


- Quantity and quality of publications

- Impact of research productivity as assessed by the impact factor of the journals in which research is published

- Invited presentations or visiting professorships at important scientific forums

- Producing exceptional original research, which is acknowledged by leaders of the discipline who possess national/international reputations for excellence through external evaluation

- Consistent and incremental peer reviewed grant funding support for research, which grows pragmatically

- Distinguished honors or prizes by election and/or peer review

Educational Portfolio:


- Research mentorship of post docs and graduate students

- Didactic lectures in courses

- Graduate course leadership

- Other educational activities as appropriate


  • Additional materials and resources pertaining to Tenure/Tenure-Track appointments and promotion can be found on the Resources page.
  • For additional details regarding faculty of medicine appointments and promotion process, please visit the Faculty Affairs site.

For more information, please email: Office_Acad_Affairs@cumc.columbia.edu.